Know the Latest Strategy in Email Marketing

Know the Latest Strategy in Email Marketing

Email Marketing is sending a commercial message typically to a group of people using email. In its broad sense , every email is sent to a potential or current customer could be considered as email marketing. This trade is fast growing and will keep on growing. Google alone has 1 billion users all around the world.

Efficient Email Marketing Strategies :

Send emails to those who want to hear from you.

When you receive an email from a brand you don’t like chances are you just delete, ignore or mark as “read”. And every time you send an email to a certain list with low potential points hurts your domain and reputation which can make you loose customers.

Have a goal for the Emails you sent out

If you don’t include your goal in your email, chances are, your recipient wont either. And it will confuse them. And also, give your recipients an option in your messages like calls-to-action and link in text so they can have multiple options to grasp the goal you want to achieve.

Be considerate in your subject line

People can easily know what and what not to read just by judging the subject line. It is best to customize and make it more personal so that your recipient can feel the thoughtfulness of your email.

When your recipients stop opening your emails

Figure out what’s going wrong now! It only mean that your recipients are not interested or your are not sending an exciting vibe to catch their attention. Try also to test different emails to see if there’s an improvement in open rates.

When your recipients mark you as spam

Stop a.s.a.p. in sending that email and understand the source of the problem. You don’t want to be block listed by the email providers. If you are marked as spam, it will hurt your domain and can be put at risk.

When your recipients unsubscribe

No need to worry much, you really cannot please everyone and unsubscribers will happen eventually. Try to know the possible cause and consider sending less emails to the subscribers who aren’t engaging as much.

Avoiding Graymail

Graymail is a bulk of email messages that are not considered technically as spam because the recipient gave you their blessings to email them, but these are the emails that are not being touched. Stop sending graymail. Come up with a list people that are telling you by not opening your emails. Start suppressing the unengaged ones. In this way, your open rates will increase.

Personalize and access your emails

This technique really works. Base on research, emails that was sent out with recipients first names in the subject lines gets the higher open rates than the ones who don’t.

Send your emails from a personalized acct.

Try avoiding sending emails from a “no reply” account. Personalization’s works best for you.

Try sending out emails from different days of the week

If you want your email to be opened, try sending them on a Monday or Friday. Emails with call-to-action perform well on Saturday. Avoid sending emails on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, they can be oversaturated with other messages and it might overwhelm them.

Engage more with recipients who already submitted forms than those information you just imported

When someone fills out a forma and provides their email address means that their engagement rates are much higher because they want to hear from you than those cold contacts you just imported.

Take a free course, Be up-to-date

There are so many free courses you can see online with Email Marketing Certification. Learn more and engage more.

Always remember that Email sending is getting harder but its still one of the best trade out there.

Yearly, engagement rates start to slip and it gets harder to make people open your emails. But it doesn’t mean that email marketing is losing its charm, it’s just getting competitive.

Keep your subscribers interested by putting an effort and testing these strategies. To know more, here’s a clip of Tom Monaghan about his talk in Email Marketing.


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