Your Business has its Place in the Digital World

digital worldAt present , the world of business is developed in two universes. The real world and the Digital world, this second is essential to develop your Business. Technological growth is overwhelming and should be your ally, don’t be afraid.Maybe you have already started your business in the digital world, but it has not worked for you,don´t be scared. Ignorance produces fear, but, at the end you will have the tools you need to start working towards it.

We are sure that if it has not worked is because you haven’t tried hard enough in the digital presence . These are different times, success can be as simple as the best customer interface.

The new companies are born with an administrative model different,marketing strategy based on internet and social networks. But also with another style of management and relationship with the client.

The traditional companies are related to the parameters of the industrial era. A situation that is already presented as obsolete in an organization of This Century. Obsolete, not functional

These non-customer-centric companies have heavy structures and overly rigid flowcharts and communication channels.
You may be the last one on the market, but you must be the first to create a new paradigm. Today’s startup or legacy companies of business have built fresh spaces for the modern world.

You need to be creative, be attentive to people’s needs and please, to win presence don´t give up on the monster. Fight and learn, it is never enough for you.

And if you are not yet convinced of how much you need this, I present this familiar case

Kodak case:

Kodak was known for its constant innovation, they were the first to create a 16mm film. They made cameras for CIA agents and for the army. They were the first to create full color photos.

They sold 85% of the cameras around the world and 90% of the films worldwide. In addition, all films awarded by an Oscar since 1928, used kodak.

In 1990, Kodak gave direct work to more than 30,000 people in more than 190 buildings.Kodak was the first company in the world to manufacture the first digital camera in 1975.

The question is: Why is bankruptcy in  2012 the most innovative company in the world?

Users no longer needed to buy cameras, their mobile phones had built-in. They didn´t need to go to a photo-developing store because they had printers or computer hard drives.
placeTry to imagine Apple falling into bankruptcy , they decided that its products reached the top and stopped the updates. The other brands would take advantage of the situation, and the customers would run after them.

Kodak decided that they was in it top, then it fall down.
It is clear that the rapid evolution of technology is sometimes daunting, but growing, implies continuous improvement. You should evaluate how to use your digital tools Online.
But the good news is, you’re not Kodak (or yes?) You have time and tools. You must work it, Ray Kroc capitalized Mc’Donalds at the age of 50. For you I’m sure that it will take a few months.

Ok, I’m in, what should I do?

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Pay attention:

Publish it and forget it does not make much sense, there must be follow-up, interaction.
You need to evaluate:
What do you want to get out of your online presence?
How many new sWales do you have?
How many online sales?How much time do you spend on your positioning

Become in a query center in your digital environment:

The marketing revolution requires you to be productive. Becoming the educational center on the subject will help you gain appreciation, and reputation in your space. Being the center and the point gives you power and visibility, be the resource of the user.
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 Relationships, relationships….:

facebook imageTwo words: Social Media. You must be attentive to the interactions of users, answering doubts, you never know where the ideal client is. Business are based on relationships.

  • Your E-maaaaaail:

Another vital relationship is the one you have with your email, it is usually the first contact. The story of the first impression is not a false story, it is necessary If you make lists, be specific. Not a means of contact for all, evaluate and do not forget Coffee and the mail.


Be authentic, become in that “x” factor of online business that no one has yet exploited. This is what I meant by “keep an eye on needs”. Detects the blanks. This will let you know who you are in the market, and show you better. If you don´t really know you, people will never do it. Find your place, define it, improve it but never leave it.

The digital presence of your business will allow you to discover new business and development opportunities. Increase leads.Reduce costs thanks to automation. But above all improve your productivity in general terms.

So. what are you waiting for? Do you have your list?



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